About us

Halong Heritage  is an authorized booking agency of all cruises in Halong Bay and LanHa Bay with International tour operator licence No: 01-1420/2019/TCDL-GP LHQT.. Booking with Halong Heritage is always cheaper, quicker and double guaranteed because you can check your booking status with Halong Heritage and the cruise directly

We Work For You
We work for you, not the cruises or any other travel suppliers. This is important. We do not try to sell you anything you don´t need for your trip. We don´t make a commission with a certain cruise. If you should have a problem during your trip, we will also act on your behalf to see that proper restitution are made.  We are always here to support and guide your travel decisions so you have a better trip!

Save You Time
We can save you time. Email us your dream trip and then leave it in our professional hands. Your cruise can be booked in just a few minutes. We will also update you along the way. Before you know it, you´ll be ready to go!

Save You Money
We are authorized booking agent so we have the best rates. If you want to get the best bang for your buck, we are your best bet. We work within your budget and will always be on the lookout for room sales and other discounts.

Variety of Privileges
Traveling with us, you will not only be satisfied with your travel demand but also be provided with a variety of privileges which often include cabin upgrades, complimentary drinks, entry visa assistance, and much more.

Less Stress
Taking a cruise trip should be a stress-free adventure! While lying on the beach, you shouldn´t have to worry about your return hotel. If you´re jumping from city to city, you need to trust that when you arrive, your cruise will be booked and ready for your arrival. By booking your travel with us, the fears and worries in the planning stage disappear. Turning to the experts is the key to enjoying your next sojourn!

We Are Different
We select only highly recommended cruise for you based on your references and requirements. There will be no hidden fees or surprises. We especially focus on customer care services so you can contact us 24 hours/ 7 days by email or telephone.
Speak with Bluedragon

Need a local advice on your Halong cruise trip? Call us now +84 973 385 888

Contact Us

Book online or call?

  • All of our tours are best-value guaranteed.
  • We're here 24/7 - for travel support.
  • All of our tour guides and travel consultants are local, well trained and experienced to ensure your satisfaction.
  • Simple booking process - instant confirmation.
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